Thursday, July 29, 2010

A few things...

While Mitch is at a job interview and I'm on the couch, debilitated from a monthly visitor, here's a few fun things about me and us...

1) I ha
te when the paper towel dispensers are higher than my elbow, because then the water trickles down my arm and into my sleeve and it drives me crazy.

2) I told myself I would never marry someone without first having an argument or a fight or something unhappy…you know, you’ve got to see how the other person is in those situations. But is it my fault we've been together every day for almost a whole year and we've never fought? I think I married alright :)

3) I truly believe my husband has the sexiest body in all of the world. And if decades down the road it’s not so much, he’ll still be perfect.

4) Our first date was at Macaroni Grill.

5) I love when people say my sister and I look alike, because I think she’s gorgeous.

6) I would never go back to high school.

7) I would most definitely relive my freshman year of college. And I would change many things about my sophomore and junior years.

8) In first grade Mitch thought he was Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Sat in the back with his aviator sunglass
es, jacket, jeans, white T...twirled his pencil and all. So cute.

9) I get grumpy when there are too many people at the gym. And I can’t talk right after I’ve gone on a run, because I’m in thinking mode.

10) Every month I seriously think I’ve gained 10 pounds and I get all stressed. A week later I realize it was cruel mother nature making me bloat and I’m back to normal. Every. Single. Month.

11) Then, than, your, you’re, their, there, they’re, to, too, etc. all mean different things. Everyone should know them.

When Mitch really wants to relax, he daydreams about being a rock star.

13) I’ve always wanted extensions because your hair always looks long and thick and beautiful and perfect. But I would never pay for them and I don’t think I’d be able to handle taking care of them. I think Mitch is grateful for that. And whenever I do find out that a girl with perfect hair is wearing extensions, I get upset because she's totally cheating. If everyone else has to have sucky normal hair, you should too. Except for the fact, like I said, I still want them.

14) Eventually, when all is said and done, we want to settle down in California. Granite Bay area..

15) I am geniunly curious as to which marriages will last. I mean.. over 50%?! Statistically, half of the married couples I know of will not be married anymore! WHO WILL IT BE?! Don't get me wrong, I AM rooting for every married couple out there. I just really wonder who has what it takes. Anyway, all I can say is that I know ONE that will for sure last forever... :)

That is all<3

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog Mallory! That is so amazing about #2, you definitely married the right person and I totally think about #15 too!
