Thursday, July 22, 2010


It has for sure been for-ev-er since I've updated our little bloggie. However, that is not to say that we have not had some super fun times with some super fun people in the last little while. And I could write about it like I usually would and people usually do, but I figure if you are even an irregular reader you would be the super fun people we share the super fun times with. Who needs a recap of something you yourself experienced?
And if you are not one of those people, and really do care what we've been up to, well you should probably experience the fun firsthand and just come hang out with us :)

I still have an itching to get out of Provo, and maybe we've got some things aligning that will allow us to move to China? or finish school in Hawaii? or something dramatic and awesome like that.
Admittedly, I am completely jumping over the gun on our chances of really being able to do it. But I can't help but daydream and a'hopin and a'whishin for something like that! We are the young and the restless here!! Well, I am.

Except when I say restless, this is entirely not true.
I rest, oh how I rest.
Lately, there is usually one day a week that I completely and utterly crash. ALL DAY. I am out like a light and not even my sweet husband can get me to keep my eyes open. For example, last weekend I slept for a total of 27 hours in a day and a half. The ONLY time I was awake was for dinner accompanied by few Grey's Anatomy episodes and church. I was awake for a total of 5 hours. 5. Incredible.
And today, I woke up for the cable man to come give us back our cable, I had slept the whole night (an incredible feat in and of itself for my backwards sleep schedule), awoke for the 3 hours the man wouldn't leave my house, and crashed for another 8 before I left for work.
WHO DOES THAT? Someone who works hard, plays hard, and apparently sleeps hard.

Until we meet again Mr. Blog<3>

1 comment:

  1. Or someone who is pregnant.... Just kidding :) Well, seriously, but ya. Lol! You are adorable and I love your blog posts. They're very entertaining. Wish that Steve, Olivia and I were in Utah to hang out with you and Mitch. When you get that itch to get out of Provo you can always come to California and see the cutest baby girl in person :) Oh, and us, too, I guess.
