Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Two Months of Tessa

Tessa is the cutest thing and we seriously adore this girl. She smiles now! And we LOVE it. Being the one to make your baby smile is the greatest and I can't wait for the day when she starts laughing.

She already has a very strong personality and you will know exactly what she does or does not like immediately. My dad says that's how I was so I guess I'm not too surprised, and I think she started showing her preferences as far back as the womb. I told her yesterday she can either be a difficult baby or teenager, not both, and I guess she's choosing baby :)

We're struggling in the sleep department, and babies who don't sleep are bears. She still sleeps pretty darn well at night, 4-6 hours, feeds, then another 4-6 hours. She is, however, a horrible napper. She hates naps and hates us trying to get her to nap, and then she gets so tired she's just a mess. I'm thinking when she gets older we're going to have to do some serious sleep training. Until then, Mitch is the expert on getting her to sleep and here's a picture of the ONLY way she will nap recently. You must be standing, and moving, you must be shhhhh-ing and you may not put her in any sort of reclining position. After she is asleep, you may not set her down, and rarely can you sit down. It's exhausting. Occasionally she'll give mom a treat and fall asleep in her swing.

At her 2 month check up the nurse said, "Working here, I can tune out babies cries, but man, I cannot tune her out!" Yes, thank you, welcome to our world. She's got some lungs. And can I just say, shots are the worst!! I think some soft-hearted medical genius needs to come up with a better way.

10.07 lbs
 21.5" long
15cm head

Some more about Tessa
  • Loves showers and baths, sometimes it's the only thing that will calm her down
  • She just started not being able to fit into her newborn clothes, and 3 month clothes are huge on her
  • Is still big on cuddling, except when she's tired because it means she might fall asleep
  • Still stares at dad
  • Listens very intently when dad speaks to her in Chinese
  • Loves toys that make noise, she smiles every time
  • Instead of frames, she now loves to stare at lights
  • Likes to be tickled
  • Likes to sit in her Bumbo and watch what we're doing, but is not a fan when we leave her sight
  • Likes to do chores with mom (as in, likes to be held when mom is doing them)
  • Has nails that grow like crazy, I swear I trim them every day
  • Sucking is incredibly soothing for her, she wants a pacifier all the time
  • Goes to town on her fist when she doesn't have one. Sometimes she'll almost get her whole fist in her mouth and then it makes her gag
  • We can tell the difference between her cries and label some of them as "whining" "moping" "loud complaining" and "protesting" ...she's very opinionated
  • Makes the cutest noise when she finally gets something into her mouth she wanted, like a binky or milk..it's like a satisfied grunt.
Here's some random pictures over the last month


 Staring at dad

 Likes to help hold her bottle

 Her old man mullet and cute ear


Lovin those pictures

 We love to squish the cheeks


 sometimes one eye gets sleepier than the other

 Sad Tessa

 Happy Tessa

 Silly Tessa

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, so darling! Sounds like you are having fun and getting the hang of being a mommy. Can't wait to join you!
