Monday, November 5, 2012

We're Moving!

Mitch graduates in December and accepted a job that will take us...

somewhere. We aren't sure yet. 

We do know we are moving out of Utah in the beginning of January. We also do know he will be training in Chicago for 3 months, and then we could go anywhere in the U.S. (except for Utah and a few other states, which is why we're moving before we know where we're going) This job is perfect for Mitch. It's business and healthcare all rolled into one! Which is funny, because he took a fairly long time to decide between the two. He'll be the Practitioner at one of AccuQuest's Hearing Centers. Which means he gets trained in Audiology and also runs the office.

They flew him out to Chicago for the interview and they told him right there they felt good about him, and he was it! (As if anyone doubted. My husband rocks.) We are seriously so excited to leave, but also really sad.
I feel like this means we have to be grown ups now. Like real life, adults. Being married and having a baby didn't make me feel that way. Do people ever feel like they're grown ups? Or is it just their age that suggests they are. And who in the world decided an 18 year old is considered an adult. Who REALLY acts like an adult at 18 years old?! Insanity.

Anyway, there are so many things about Utah I'll miss. And we have so many friends here, the thought of moving from them freaks me out. And it's not like we're moving closer to family! It's like being plopped into some strange place with no ties to anyone. So weird. But so exciting! We're moving onto the next stage of life! And Mitch is starting out with a REALLY great job. And being in a totally new place is also fun! Aren't next stages of life so exciting?! When they finally come they're scary and sad and fun all at the same time.
I love it.

And congratulations to my amazing husband, who rocks my world.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, and all the good times we've had living here, shall we?


  1. Congratulations!! We'll be selfishly praying you end up in Memphis :)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! MB told me about Mitch getting a job the other day...that is so exciting! I can't imagine not being poor students anymore, but it sounds GREAT! Chicago will be so fun...too bad you'll be there during the winter though. Love the slide show! Super cute!

  3. Hmmm, not sure I want to say congraetulations. I teared up a couple times when I talked to you on the phone and again watching your slide show. I can't imagine not having you around. You guys are the best! I love you Mal. Having you move someplace else will just give us an exscuse to go on vacation. :) Love you!!
