Thursday, January 1, 2015

Eve's First 3 Months

It's amazing to me the differences between siblings when they come from the same parents. Eve doesn't look or act anything like Tessa. She balances us all out.
Weeks 1-2 she was perfect
Weeks 3-10 were absolutely hard. Partly because Mitch was gone all the time, and partly because Eve was not an easy baby. Easier than Tessa, but I've heard of babies who don't cry much, sleep easy, and feed fine. I've only heard of such babies.
Weeks 11-14 were much more calm and it sure helped that all the holidays lessened Mitch's traveling.


Loves Tessa. She smiles at her often. Tessa holds her hand and tries really hard to be quiet when she's sleeping.
Loves being held, by anybody. No stranger danger here
Loves her fists
Is a total drooler
Not too concerned about what goes on around her
Is very smiley
Doesn't coo as much as smiles but when she does it's delightful
Love loves to be bounced
Thoroughly enjoys bath time
Still has her hair! It thinned out and got lighter but she is definitely not bald.
Is seriouly cute
Hates more than anything in the world and very consistently-- her car seat. That makes leaving the house super fun :)
I am definitely her favorite person

Much of these things are totally opposite of how Tessa was, which is not a bad or good thing, just different. I love learning about this girls personality. Here's to another 3 months of life for Eve ♡

Some nicknames she has accumulated are
Eve bee

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