Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tessa is 6 months!

She turned 6 months on October 10, I'm just slightly behind. How can I even begin to describe this girl? She's just awesome.

Here's some big deals:
  • She's getting her first tooth! She bit down on my finger the other morning and I totally felt it! Just a little tiny white spot on her bottom gum. It made me so happy. This girl is growing up.
  • Finally started rolling over again (I was getting a little worried there). She can now roll onto her belly but ONLY does it in her crib when she's supposed to be sleeping, so we have yet to see it. She seems to have forgotten she has been able to roll from her belly to her back in the past, so when she gets on her belly she cries until we flip her back over.
  • Loves to sleep on her side.
  • My favorite is when she starts getting silly because she's tired, she attacks our faces and gives us "kisses"--wide open mouth, tongue out, suck on your face kisses.
  • Still a great sleeper.
  • Wants to eat and drink everything we have. We give her sips of water from our cups now, she just looooves it.
  • Favorite food: sweet potato
  • Favorite toy: race car walker (she can move backwards in it! When we got it a month ago her feet were no where near touching the ground)
  • Favorite friend: Mitch (I don't think I'll ever win that one) and our neighbor Stephanie.
  • Favorite song: anything we sing to her
  • Laughs like crazy. She'll put the burp rag over her own face and laugh until I pull it off. Greatest game ever.
  • Talks like crazy. She tells me everything.
  • Will smile and laugh EVERY time I blow kisses at her. Even if she's upset, she'll smile and then go back to being upset.
  • Has little tiny fairy feet. I found this out when I was trying to find her boots to wear. She only fits into NEWBORN size shoes! Not even 0-3 month. They look so oddly small compared to her chunky thighs, I love it.
  • Is going to be a pumpkin for Halloween, and we will be farmers.
  • She sits up very well. Still doesn't crawl or even scoot, but I'm fine with that.
  • Every time we change her diaper she does a little bum dance where she wiggles it around like crazy. I love it so much. But she ONLY does it when she's naked and I'm busy changing her so I haven't gotten it on video. I will be sad when she doesn't do that anymore, it makes changing her so fun. She also likes to scratch her bum. It's so cute.
  •  Sucks in her lips and makes funny faces
  • Growls and spits
 We won't have her 6 month stats until she's like a week away from being 7 months old, but I don't even mind. That means her shots will be that much further away. Last time she pretty much slept for a full day and had a really really high fever :( So...I'm not rushing that to happen again.



  1. So adorable, as always!!! I'm glad you guys are having so much fun with Tessa! We miss you!

  2. she is so cute. SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU especially in that first pic, holy cow. I am so excited to see you guys in a few weeks (i know its longer than a few weeks, its more like 6 weeks, but still)
