Monday, June 17, 2013

How I know Tessa is becoming a TODDLER

Even though some of these should make a mom go mad, I love every one. And so far I'm pretty fond of this stage. I love that she's her own little person with her own little personality. I love that she is sweet and playful. I love that she is sassy.  She really makes us laugh every day. At 14 months, these are some sure signs of her approaching toddlerhood...
  • She goes limp when she doesn't want to be picked up
  • Mitch and I have to read her every book she owns, everyday ("read" is "ee")
  • She’s refusing to sign or say “please”
  • I found all our canned goods in a box in her closet. Lately everything I can't find is in that box
  • She tells me no. She says, “No, no, no” as she looks at me and touches the things she shouldn't. Then when I give her "the look" she comes over to give me a kiss or snuggle
  • I caught her putting my iPod into the dryer
  • Helping with the dishes is required. We aren't allowed to do the silverware without her
  • She hands me clothes that go into the washer
  • Getting her diaper changed is torture
  • She unfolds all the clothes I fold
  • She has to feed herself, or it all goes on the floor
  • Outside is her heaven
  • She makes the same babble at the end of every prayer, I think it’s supposed to be “Amen!”
  • She rummages through my purse or the diaper bag to find snacks, then brings them to me and says “mm-mm-mm”
  • She climbs on everything

A few more things about Tessa:

-She named her teddy bears "daddy." Seriously, she says, "Daddy!" when she picks them up and gives them a big hug. And calls their name when they're in the crib without her
-She has to hand us every bear and every blanket in her crib before we can pick her up
-Favorite song: Old McDonald. She sings "e-i-e-i-o"
-She's in the 10th and 20th percentiles for height,weight, and head
-Favorite bear: Purple one from Aunt Kirsten
-She loves to walk backwards and spin in circles
-Her favorite book is "Let's Dance, Little Pookie!" And she dances with us.
-Favorite blanket: Mitch's baby blanket
-She follows dad around everywhere when he's home
-She loooves swimming
-The other morning she found her shadow, she tried to feed it her bottle and talked to it for a good 5 minutes

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